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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (269) Expression Attributions Wiki

Anatomy Term: archenteron
ECAO ID: 0106030
Synonyms: primitive gut, embryonic gut, primitive gut
Stage Range: stage 12 to stage 18
Marker Genes:
Develops From:
Anatomy Item Stage Range
vegetal plate stage 11 to stage 12
Develops Into:
Anatomy Item Stage Range
anal sphincter 4-arm pluteus larva stage to competent pluteus larva stage
anal sphincter primordium larval development to larval development
anterior foregut stage 15 to stage 18
anterior hindgut stage 15 to stage 18
anterior midgut stage 15 to stage 18
cardiac sphincter early pluteus larva stage to competent pluteus larva stage
dorsal foregut stage 15 to stage 18
dorsal hindgut stage 15 to stage 18
dorsal midgut stage 15 to stage 18
foregut stage 15 to stage 18
hindgut stage 15 to stage 18
midgut stage 15 to stage 18
posterior foregut stage 15 to stage 18
posterior hindgut stage 15 to stage 18
posterior midgut stage 15 to stage 18
pyloric sphincter early pluteus larva stage to competent pluteus larva stage
sphincter muscle 4-arm pluteus larva stage to undefined
sphincter muscle cell 4-arm pluteus larva stage to undefined
ventral foregut stage 15 to stage 18
ventral hindgut stage 15 to stage 18
ventral midgut stage 15 to stage 18
Parent(s): vegetal plate


Parent(s): embryonic structure (is_a) digestive system (part_of)


References: NCBO BioPortal , Ontology Lookup Service