Name: blastula period
ECAO ID: 0000240 Definition: "Period during which the embryo is transformed into a hollow sphere that is one cell layer thick and encompasses a central, fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. During this period, every cell of the embryo is in contact on the inside with the blastocoel and on the outside with the hyaline layer." |
Preceded By: cleavage period | Succeeded By: gastrula period |
Component Stages: very early blastula stage, early blastula stage, mid-blastula stage, late blastula stage, hatched blastula stage, swimming blastula stage, late swimming blastula stage, very late blastula stage, vegetal plate stage, mesenchyme blastula stage, motile blastula stage, stage 8, stage 9, stage 10, stage 11